

Fruit - is false all-seed, little juicy. It can be pear-shaped, round-shaped, flat or cylindrical-shaped. Skin is dull or vernicose. A little acicular or without acicular sepal that forms fruit cup. An average weight is from 30 kg to 2 kg, in the length of 5-70 cm, diameter is 5-15 cm. One plant can have from 3 to 15 kg. In industrial maturity it can be white, golden-yellow, green, liliac, violet, dark-violet (almost black), brown-violet. Flesh is green, white, medium-firm and firm without bitterness, tender, with excellent eating qualities. In the period of biological ripeness it is dark-brown with reddish tint, brown with gray tint and gray-green-yellow. Flesh becomes callous, dry and start to become bitter. Small seeds in diameter is 2-3 mm, they are flat with a side rib, gray and gray-yellow, light-brown. The weight of 1000 seeds is 3,5-5 g. Seeds can keep storage qualities from 3 to 5 year.

Curative properties: tender cellulose stimulates bowel work. Eggplants support excretion of cholesterol and odd body fluid, normalize heart function and salt-water exchange, it is useful with anemia, atherosclerotic vascular disease, cardiovascular disease as it has big amount of iron. Juice of fresh or boiled fruits has microbicidal properties.

A little information from botany: